How To Lose Weight Fast?

How to lose weight fast

How To Lose Weight Fast – How to lose weight fast but without compromising health? Well, you need to remember a couple of things to lose weight steadily.

Most of us have dealt with weight loss problem at some point of their lives.  May it be sedentary lifestyle, hectic job, stress, pregnancy, we struggle to find a routine that works.

I have had friends who hit the gym everyday and practically lives on salads but have no luck losing weight.


How do you feel after a workout? Are you really tired, sleepy and yawning all the time? Then, you are not doing it right.

Yes, you will feel your muscles burn when you work out and beginners will be sore all over for 2-3 days. But that is certainly different from feeling like you have no energy left.

Workouts make you energised, happy and healthy. If not, you may probably be over doing workouts or having a low calorie diet than what your body requires.


If you are 63 kg /137 pounds and doing a workout that elevates your heart rate for 15-30 minutes, you need to take around 1650 calories a day and 2.5-3 litres of water. Anything less and you may have trouble keeping up the exercise routine.


Exercises whether it is cardio or strength training are not supposed to make you feel exhausted. If you feel so, check your diet and calorie intake.

Have pre workout foods like banana half an hour before your workout

Have a post workout meal within 30-45 min after your workout.

Make sure to have enough proteins and stay hydrated.

Make sure you have had at least1 litre of water half an hour before working out

Do not overdo workouts.

Take rest days in between to recover. Don’t be too hard on yourself.

Finally, Motivate yourself with anything you like maybe a dress, a poster, surprising friends with new look. It could be anything.

Determine the calories you need with the help of online calorie calculators. This is important. 


Here are some of the most common exercises for you guys, calculated weight- 70kg

  • Power Yoga 1hr – 280-300k
  • Running – 465 calories
  • Cycling at 20km/h burns 280 calories
  • Indoor stationary bike, 440 calories

HIIT workouts, jumping ropes and relatively easier workouts like swimming burn most calories in 30 minutes alongside running.

Make use of free workout videos on YouTube. Make sure to start slow with a low impact cardio workout. As your body gets used to workouts, switch to a routine that challenges you. These coaches also do an amazing job at motivating you.

Understand how much you are burning with each workout.

Do Not Skip The Below.

  • Include a warm up and cool down routine before and after your workout
  • Have pre workout meal and a post workout meal.

Being lazy and feeling tired are two different things.


Intermittent fasting can be done in any of the below formats,

16/8 Fasting – In this diet, you actually fast for 16 hours with an 8 hour eating period. So, it could be something like 12pm-8pm eating window with an overnight 16 hour fast.

20/4 Fasting – Here you eat within the 4 hour window and fast for 20 hours.

If your health permits, You can go for a KETO diet which works better with intermittent fasting and achieve a faster weight loss. While doing a keto diet, you generally feel full for a longer period of time which is beneficial in controlling the cravings. It is a personal choice though.

Prolonged fasting – In prolonged fasting, you either fast for 24hours, 48 hours, 72 hours or even longer. When you do a fast longer than 3 days, You need to take electrolytes and himalayan salt to replenish the sodium and potassium in your body without breaking your fast.

Make sure you break a prolonged fast correctly which is very important to make the most out of it and also to avoid both insulin spike and refeeding syndrome. Brone broth is one of the best foods you can go for.


Eating more protein may help suppress your Appetite for hours after eating. A high-protein diet for weight loss should provide about 1.2–1.6 grams per kilogram. For the 68-kg person, this provides a broad range of about 80–110 grams of protein daily, depending on calorie intake.

If you are not sure, depend on Whey protein powder for your daily protein. You can mix it with skimmed milk or just water. One scoop of whey protein has around 30 grams of protein.


You can also have sprouts, egg whites ,chicken breast, Tofu, Paneer, chickpeas and peanuts alternatively. Pumpkin seeds taste good too. Soya Nuggets also have protein in them.

You cannot starve and workout at the same time.


As all of you know processed white sugar adds inches to your waist. It’s said to cause cancer and even causes the insulin level to spike which is not good for your body.

I really like having green tea with honey, lemon. Of course that the only sweet thing in my diet, I really take my time savouring it. If you really have a sweet tooth, then at least switch to palm sugar or brown sugar.

Be aware of hidden sugars like those in sauces,jam,soft drinks. Even when you have reached your goal weight, it is advised not to take more than five teaspoons of sugar a day.


We have to accept that unhealthy meals are delicious. Cheat meals doesn’t mean having a 2000 calorie lunch. You can enjoy a slice of pizza if you crave for it. Everything is fine if taken in moderation. It is fine to have unhealthy meals once in a while because at the end of the day it is the calories that count.




Why? Because Strength training burns calories even after you are done with your workout.

Women often have misconceptions about weight training. They are scared about becoming bulk which doesn’t happen to you unless you are on hormones and steroids. Our bodies don’t have enough testosterone on its own to make us bulk. So do not lead these misconceptions stop you.

Do a strength workout 2 times per week, leaving at least a day’s rest in between. You can do Yoga, Pilates, Aerobics, Zumba dancing or just Walking/Hiking as cardio for rest of the three days.


Strength training increases bone density, builds a stronger heart, reduces your resting blood pressure, improves blood flow, halts muscle loss, helps control blood sugar, improves cholesterol levels, and improves your balance and coordination.


What a weight loss plateau?

When your weight loss journey reaches a point when you are no longer losing weight even when you are working out, you have hit a weight loss plateau.

Take a break. Break the routine that your body is used to.

Have your favourite meal and relax for about a week. Go for walking, hiking or yoga rather than HIIT workouts or weight training. After a week, Start your workouts again. You will definitely see results.

If you still do not lose weight, probably you may have already reached your healthy weight goal.


If you don’t sleep well you won’t have the energy to exercise or even do daily activities. You will feel tired and sluggish and will find yourself yawning more often.

Sleep at a fixed time or at least before twelve midnight. You can use guided meditation or ASMR meditation or music to fall asleep.

If you have sleeping problems give yoga a chance. Do not bring home your work.

Studies, exams, love life, toxic coworkers, financial troubles all cause stress and makes your hormones go wary. Naturally it leads to health issues from minor hairfall to diabetes and high blood pressure.


Focus on strength training
Do not exhaust yourself with excessive cardio
Do a proper warm up and stretching to avoid risks
Have a proper pre-workout and post workout meal
Go for a high protein diet
Take supplements if needed ( fish oil, multivitamins, fat burner, fiber powder)
Hydrate yourself properly before workout.
Have a small cheat meal once in a week if needed.
Get a good nights sleep, let your body recover.

Enjoy each day and live positively.



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