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DIY Flax Seed Aloe Vera Gel For Beautiful Hair And Smooth Glowing Skin

Aloe Vera Flax Seed Gel

DIY Flax Seed Aloe Vera Gel For Beautiful Hair And Smooth Glowing Skin –  This gel moisturiser is suitable for all skin types. It is much lighter to provide a strong hold on curly hair.

An amazing gel that tightens pores to make your skin appear smoother and the herbs work to treat and lighten acne, acne scars and other blemishes.

Rubbing the ice cubes worked well for my skin and it stays fresh for a longer period of time too.

It can be used with the Yao Rice Water Recipe And Shikakai Shampoo.


How To Use Aloe Vera Treatment Gel?

It is really important to know how to use it as i have heard others complain about flaking and the gel peeling off the skin.

For Skin 

Take little bit of the gel  on your finger tips.

Massage the gel on your skin until it is fully absorbed. This is important to avoid the gel from peeling off/flaking.

Once it is fully absorbed, proceed with the rest of your skin care routine.

Do not rub instead, pat the products in.

If it still flakes which it won’t, apply two drops of oil on your palm and rub the palm together. Pat over the gel to lock it in. DO NOT USE MORE OIL.

My Results – Normal sensitive skin

It moisturises and protects your skin all day long. I do not even feel the need to moisturise again. It does not make my skin stretchy or tight. The gel makes your skin look flawless as it does tighten the pores.

The results may vary depending on the skin type though. You certainly need a deep moisturiser for dry skin as this by itself may not be enough.

For Hair – Apply On Dry Hair Only

Take a small bit and comb through the hair with your fingers.

Again take a comb and use it to spread the gel all over your hair.

Do not apply the flax seed aloe vera gel and leave it like that unless you are using it as a styling gel to hold your hair.

Applying too much of the gel will definitely cause flaking which may look like dandruff. So take a small amount each time and work with it.

Results – Normal scalp

It does leave my hair super soft and frizz free. The Aloe Vera flax seed gel helps soothe the scalp and promotes hair growth. It does tame fly away hair and makes your hair less messy.

It nourishes the scalp and helps strengthen the hair strands while also,  preventing scalp infections. This gel treats mild dandruff and hair loss.

Overall, it is one of the best natural leave on hair gel that i have come across.

How To Make Aloe Vera Gel

First cut an Aloe Vera leaf.

Leave it in water for about 30 minutes to one hour.

This is to remove the latex from the leaf. The latex could be allergic to many.

Aloe leaf remove latex

Next Scoop out the flesh and blend it like this.

Aloe Vera juice

Next, How To Make Flax Seed Gel?

We need 1/4 cup of flax seeds to make this gel. You can use any good brand of flax seed to make this.

Flax seed

Transfer it to a strainer along with neem leaves.

Alternatives – You can use herbs like Holy basil, Rosemary, Sage or even Green tea and Fenugreek seeds

Use a big strainer instead of a tea strainer as, the holes of the net would be too small for the gel to pass through.

Neem and flax seeds

Take around 480 ml of water on a vessel and switch on the flame. Once the water boils, bring down the flame to medium.

Keep stirring the flax seeds.

After five minutes, you can see that the colour and consistency of the water starts to change.

Aloe Vera Flax seed gel

Once it reaches a string consistency as shown above, switch off the flame.

As the gel cools down, it will thicken further.

Aloe Vera Flax seed gel preparation

Do not discard the flax seeds. Freeze it.  These seeds can be used again to make another batch of flax seed gel.

flax seeds

After the gel has cooled down for 15 minutes, add the Aloe Vera juice that we made earlier.

Whisk until it is blended together.

Aloe Vera flax seed gel for hair and skin

Aloe Vera Flax Seed Gel Recipe

Flax Seed –  1/4 cup

Aloe Vera Leaf  – 1-2 depending on its size

Neem Leaves – 2 handful

How To Preserve Aloe Vera Gel?

I have shown all 3 methods in the video.

Add 1/4 teaspoon of Vitamin C to 250 ML of the gel.

 Add 3 teaspoon of Vitamin E to 250 ML of the gel.

You can also add 10 drops of essential oil that suits your skin type.

Freeze and store it for years.

preserve Aloe vera flax seed gel

Ingredient Benefits

The main ingredients are, Aloe Vera juice, Flax seed gel and neem leaves.

Vitamin C, E and essential oils add extra skin and hair care benefits. They also work as a preservative and increase the shelf life of the gel.

flax seeds

Flax Seed Benefits For Hair And Skin

Rich in protein and Vitamin B

Hydrates the skin, scalp and hair

Controls oil production

Treats inflammation and redness

Soothes dry skin conditions like Eczema, Psoriasis

Brightens the skin

Fades fine lines, dark spots and acne scars

Helps tighten the skin

Softens the hair

Keeps hair frizz hair

Treats mild dandruff and itching

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera Benefits For Hair And Skin

Leaves hair softer and shinier

Hydrates the hair

Cleanses without drying

Boosts hair growth

Repairs damaged skin

Reduces hair fall

soothes sun burnt skin

Calms irritated/red skin

Promotes cell repair

Reduces blemishes

Neem face pack

Neem Benefits For Hair And Skin

Neem is antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial.

It protects the skin and scalp from various infections.

It is beneficial to those struggling with dandruff and itching. Neem does promote hair growth and helps to strengthen your hair.

Neem leaves treat and prevents acne and eventually fades dark spots and acne scars.

Daily application will certainly prevent blackhead and whiteheads. As time goes, The skin will get clearer and smoother.

As neem has healing properties, it is good for skin irritations like rash allergies.


You have now learned how to make Flax Seed Aloe Vera Gel At Home with herbs. Depending on your skin, choose any ingredient you like and infuse it with the flax seed gel.

Although it seems tedious the flax seed gel preparation does not really take much time. So go ahead and try it.

I am sure, you will like it.

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